Improving mobility in Saarland – Moving the future of transportation
INTE:GRATE research project collects opinions from Saarland citizens
Move the future of mobility!
In line with this motto, researchers at htw saar are examining the requirements and wishes of Saarland’s citizens with regard to better mobility as part of the INTE:GRATE project.
The aim is to develop a shared vision for mobility in Saarland in 2035 with citizens and to position Saarland as a pioneer for open and sustainable Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS).
To this end, voluntary citizens are taking part in group discussions. The starting signal for the first round of discussions was given on November 21, 2023 in Merzig. Interested citizens were able to spend two hours discussing all aspects of mobility, telling us what they would like to improve and how they would prefer to get around in the future.

Users with an affinity for public transport would like to see an expansion of public transport services, improved frequency, especially at off-peak times, and better coordination between the individual lines and bus and rail services. But improvements to cycle and pedestrian paths are also priorities.
In the coming weeks, we will be continuing our public discussion round in Wadgassen and Saarbrücken. Other municipalities are welcome to participate and organize meetings with us.
Many thanks to the district town of Merzig and the municipality of Wadgassen for their support!
Interested? More information about the project and how to register here.