FlowPro (2020-2023)

In the context of business and industry digitalisation, the logistics sector is increasingly confronted with the necessity to transport smaller and smaller quantities and batch sizes. Conventional logistics systems are not designed for such challenges. Therefore, transportation of small batch sizes brings along high costs. Even the practiced accumulation of small batch sizes to larger units does not address the challenge completely because of additional storage costs. Besides that, the time factor becomes more and more expensive.
FlowPro is going to research and test “batch size one” micrologistics realized via flexible AI-based use of decentralized autonomous ground- and air-carriers. The goal is to develop a prototype of a self-optimizing, company-universal, decentralized logistics networks that unite such carriers collaboratively. Special attention will be paid to the integration of an ERP system and end-to-end security.

ITS Research Group (FGVT) of the Saarland University of Applied Sciences – htw saar is responsible for designing a telecommunication architecture based on 5G-technology and direct communication between the carrier components (drones, industrial trucks, logistical infrastructure) via C-V2X (cellular Vehicle-to-Everything) technology. Besides prototyping of technical systems (especially for drones), FGVT is taking part in conceptualisation of business models and calculating the impact of the developed logistics solutions on CO2-emissions. FGVT also leads the overall system integration, evaluation, and demonstration.
Further information and results on the web page: https://www.flow-pro.de
Project duration
01.07.2020 to 31.06.2023 (36 months)
Project partners

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