Hydrogen-based mobility – start of EM:POWER

Saarbrücken, 01.10.2019
EM:POWER is a basic and application-oriented pilot project for the everyday use of a hydrogen-based electric vehicle in rural areas. The subjects of the field test are acceptance factors and real-time driving profile data of e-vehicles for data fusion with user experiences and for visualization of CO2 savings in the Smart Mobility Atlas.
Current developments in the research environment of Smart Mobility have the potential to fundamentally transform society and economy. In particular, the electrification of the powertrain offers great potential, but has so far been accepted mainly in urban areas, whereas rural areas are no longer the focus of discussion. The advent of smart mobility could change this. Against this background, the EM:POWER research project aims at joint, integrative research approaches of economic, environmental and technical sciences.
The EM:POWER research project focuses on the testing of concrete mobility applications with hydrogen-powered vehicles. The approach by means of a broad-based field test ensures, on the one hand, that innovative and sustainable mobility is made known and familiar to the general public and, on the other hand, that a concept can be developed on this basis in order to make a practical contribution to the diffusion and establishment of electric mobility in the sense of sustainability and climate protection. In order to change the behaviour patterns learned in recent decades with regard to the individual use of one’s own car with a combustion engine, intensive communication and a wide range of test offers are required. Electromobility can be a lever here to set the changeover in motion. It also makes it possible to combine regional production with the use of renewable energies. This should make it possible to maintain local added value while protecting the climate.
The project is supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and runs from 01.10.2019 to 30.09.2021.
Further information can be found here: EM:POWER