Successful first SaarMobility Congress
13/14 September 2023
On September 13 and 14, the Future-Transportation-Society (FTS) Competence Center at htw saar hosted the first SaarMobility Congress. Two exciting days full of innovative impulses and lectures attracted around 80 participants.

On day 1, Minister Petra Berg (MUKMAV) opened the congress with a welcoming speech. Afterwards she informed herself about current research projects at the htw saar. Prof. Dr. Horst Wieker (Head of Research Group Traffic Telematics FGVT) as well as the university management Prof. Dr. Andy Junker (Vice President for Studies, Teaching and Internationalization) also warmly welcomed the audience.

In line with the motto of the SaarMobility Congress “Digitalization and Climate Neutrality in Transport and Logistics”, insightful presentations took place. Prof. Dr. Wolfang Schulz reported on data innovations for the mobility of the future. Dr. Tim Hilgert dealt with the topic of innovative mobility projects and how they are seen from the perspectives of research as well as practice.

Prof. Dr. Tobias Hagen complemented this with his contribution on the topic of how people can be moved to sustainable mobility on the basis of existing studies. Dr. Werner Ried spoke about the socio-ecological use of funding.

In the afternoon, the interactive workshop discussions took place. All interested parties could inform themselves about different topics. For the participants there was the possibility to deal with the topic of cargo bikes in urban logistics and to drive a cargo bike themselves once.

Interested parties were also allowed to ride in an automated research vehicle and experience connected driving in another research vehicle.

Another station in the workshop discussions dealt with the safety of construction site employees at mobile work sites of shorter duration (daily construction sites) on highways. The participants were able to see for themselves the system for protecting employees and test it live on site.

In the field of logistics, not only cargo bikes but also transport drones were represented.

In the CO2 Monopoly, participants were also able to playfully learn about the amount of CO2 emitted in the context of everyday mobility.

In addition, there was the opportunity to visit the depot and the associated workshop of the Völklingen transport association with an electric bus and to learn about the operational planning, infrastructure & maintenance of electric buses.

At the end of a successful first day of the congress, the exuberant evening event was complemented by a mobility quiz, which was intensively prepared by students. The three teams, divided into Team 1: professors, Team 2: congress participants, and Team 3: htw saar employees, had an exciting duel on the question Who knows? – Mobility an exciting duel. The professors convinced with their knowledge and received a very special cup.

The second day offered the participants the opportunity to gather further impulses in interactive panel discussions. The Parliamentary State Secretary of the BMDV Oliver Luksic opened the second day.

Panel 1: Urban Supply Logistics & Panel 2: Innovative Mobility Projects led by Prof. Dr. Steffen Hütter and Prof. Dr. Thomas Bousonville kicked off in the morning. Panel 3: Best Practice & Panel 4: Data Innovation in Mobility and Transport led by Prof. Dr. Thorsten Cypra and Prof. Dr. Horst Wieker rounded off the last day of the congress.

The Competence Center FTS of htw saar thanks all participants and contributors for a successful 1st SaarMobility Congress and we look forward to seeing you again soon!