Save the date! Open-door day of the test field in Merzig

Merzig, August 7, 2019
On Saturday, October 19, 2019
you are cordially invited to visit the ITS test field in Merzig on Christian-Kretzschmar-Platz and the pedestrian zone
from 10 to 16 o’clock
to visit, to experience applied research and development in the field of traffic telematics live during a test drive and to exchange ideas. Experience first-hand how telematic systems contribute to improving road traffic efficiency and traffic safety. Vehicles communicate with other vehicles and with the infrastructure (e.g. traffic lights).
Get to know researchers of htw saar and the test field of the district town Merzig. Inform yourself about the study possibilities of the engineering faculty. Gain insights into the research areas automotive engineering and neuroscience. Discover new vehicles (cars, eScooters, eBikes, …) with alternative drives. Experience the future of transport today.
Mark the date in the calendar. We will publish a detailed programme in the coming weeks. You can find more information here. Your physical well-being will also be taken care of. We would be pleased to welcome you in Merzig.