SaarMoS-ITS (2019-2021)

The main target is the development of a sustainable strategy for the Saarland ITS Test Field Merzig (ITeM). The idea is not only to create opportunities for further future research, but also to involve the economy of the Greater Region in research and through knowledge transfer. Indeed, mutual support between industry, science and politics as well as acceptance by the population are absolutely necessary to establish a sustainable test field. At the same time, research within the test field can also serve to promote structural change in the Saarland and, through knowledge transfer, help the local economy to adapt to the changing environment in mobility.
To achieve this target, there are two primary fields of research and action:
- Future-oriented strategy
- Strategic + organisational coordination
For the future-oriented strategy, the current developments, foreseeable trends and future visions for networked and automated driving will be processed and examined by means of a literature search and a review of the current research landscape in this area. At the same time a potential analysis of the Saarland research and development landscape and industry (for example based on available results of the KoSMoS research project or the Smart Mobility Study) will be carried out. Based on the two results, a future-oriented technological and structural strategy for the further development of the ITeM test field will be derived. The strategy will analyse the opportunities and risks of the test field in Saarland and present corresponding recommendations for action and strategic measures.
Based on the strategy, an active search for cooperation partners will be carried out in the strategic coordination department to investigate the practical suitability of the proposed strategies (research and transfer). This requires coordinated publications and the corresponding public relations work. The proactive contacting of potential partners to sound out possible cooperations is an important part of this. A model project should be planned and, if necessary, carried out with at least one partner, so that the necessary framework conditions and processes can be established and investigated. The target is to create a guideline for the cooperation in the test field.
Organisational coordination must deal with the basic organisational conditions and the legal environment. Thus, of course, the individual tests in the test field must be coordinated in terms of time and space and coordinated with the partners in Luxembourg and France.

Project duration
2019-01-01 until 2021-12-31 (36 months)
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