5G NetMobil (2017-2020)
5G NetMobil –
5G Lösungen für die vernetzte Mobilität der Zukunft
Current developments in autonomous driving promise greater road safety and reduced CO2 emissions. The data available via the local sensors in the vehicle are very limited. Radar and camera sensors merely map the “visibility of the vehicle”. Tactile connected driving, on the other hand, enables cooperative maneuvers in a coordinated driving style and thus permits anticipatory driving. This can be applied, for example, to trucks that follow each other very closely, known as platooning. The convoy adjusts itself to the respective traffic situation in a coordinated manner and reacts to other road users. This makes driving safer and more energy-efficient. By connecting all vehicles with each other and with the existing infrastructure, e.g. with surveillance cameras on motorways, all important information is virtually combined in the network. This allows traffic flows to be better controlled, traffic jams to be avoided and the risk of accidents to be reduced.
The main objective of the 5G NetMobil project is to develop an all-encompassing communication infrastructure for tactile connected driving and to demonstrate the advantages of tactile connected driving in terms of traffic safety, traffic efficiency and environmental impact compared to automated driving based exclusively on local sensor data.
While automated driving already promises more comfort and safety, tactile connected driving enables new driving strategies that further increase road safety, significantly reduce CO2 emissions, and significantly improve traffic efficiency on the road through better utilization and reduced risk of traffic jams and accidents.
Goals of 5G NetMobil
- Development of technical solutions for mobile communication networks of the fifth generation (5G), which meet the real-time requirements of connected driving with highest reliability and availability.
- Validation of the developed concepts and solutions with simulations, model systems and demonstrations in realistic environmental scenarios.

Innovations and Perspectives
The solutions developed in the 5G NetMobil project contribute to providing new technologies for a high-performance communication infrastructure for connected autonomous driving. A number of technological challenges have to be solved in order to enable extremely low-latency and highly reliable communication at the same time. The research project starts here in order to enable the paradigm shift from autonomous to tactile connected driving. The solution approach includes radio access as well as the communication network and the dynamic control unit. Vehicle manufacturers, original equipment manufacturers, network equipment suppliers and network operators as well as highly innovative SMEs and leading research institutes work closely together here and benefit from the developments.
Investigation, evaluation and validation
For the investigation, evaluation and validation of the developed solutions for tactile connected driving the following sequential approaches are pursued:
- Simulation systems for performance evaluation and scalability studies with a large number of vehicles
- Model systems for performance evaluations under realistic conditions and feasibility studies with an average number of vehicles
- Real systems for feasibility studies and validation with a small number of vehicles.
This triad makes it possible to investigate both large virtual worlds (1) and small special real-world scenarios (3) in tactile connected driving. In addition, risky scenarios can first be tested in a realistic intermediate stage (2).
Projec duration
01.03.2017 to 28.02.2020 (36 months)
funded by: